What to Expect During a Kitchen Remodel

What to Expect During a Kitchen Remodel

If you’re not happy spending time in your current kitchen, it may be time for a change. What’s standing in the way? If you’re like many homeowners, you love the idea of a fresh kitchen remodel design but feel overwhelmed by the planning process.

Don’t worry, your kitchen remodel doesn’t have to be frustrating or confusing. With the right resources, you can transform this important space while keeping your stress to a minimum. Get ready to say goodbye to the dysfunctional atmosphere of yesterday and hello to a personalized kitchen that feels both comforting and energizing.

To make the process a bit less intimidating, we’ve outlined the basic phases of a typical kitchen remodel. While this will vary somewhat based on your unique needs and preferences, you can expect a straightforward progression when you work with the team at BKC.

Kitchen Remodel Planning Steps

Every successful remodel begins with a plan. This should draw on extensive information, including not only your own preferences, but also, the realities of your budget, your schedule, and the size of your kitchen.

  • Quotes: To begin, you need to get a sense for your budget and whether it’s realistic based on your chief goals. Be ready to prioritize a few key updates, rather than change everything about your kitchen. Gather quotes from local professionals, along with pricing for your preferred products or materials.
  • Planning: Equipped with budgetary details and a thorough understanding of key constraints, you can move forward with the planning phase. Share your goals with a professional designer, who can identify and prioritize the most impactful updates. You’ll also need to choose preferred contractors. Don’t underestimate the time or scope of this phase; research from Houzz suggests that you’ll dedicate over eight months to planning your remodel.
  • Design: Now that you’ve determined the core elements of your project, it’s time to dive into the aesthetics. You’ll also need to determine how all the individual elements of your project will coalesce to maximize flow and functionality. Your designer will work closely with you to narrow down the best layout ideas for your space. Confidence will soar as you catch a computer-generated glimpse of the final product.
  • Demolition: Before you can “ooh” and “ahh” over new features, you’ll bid farewell to their predecessors. During the demolition phase, old cabinets, counters, unwanted appliances, and flooring will be ripped out. Contractors will seamlessly handle plumbing and electrical modifications.
  • Finally, it’s time to rebuild! This should begin with flooring, which is followed by new cabinets and countertops. Last but not least: details such as backsplash, appliances, and lighting will amplify the design already established through your custom cabinets.

What to Do While Your Kitchen Is Unusable

All great things require sacrifice. This is certainly true of the kitchen remodeling process. To achieve the kitchen of your dreams, you’ll need to make way for major changes — and this could mean steering clear of this important space for quite some time.

If your kitchen forms the center of your daily life, you may be reluctant to give up this important space, even temporarily. With a little planning, however, you can get by with minimal disruptions as you await your dream kitchen. These suggestions should help:

  • Designate a temporary work area. A formal dining room is an easy alternative for short-term kitchen space. However, a family room or mudroom could also work in a pinch. If you’re lucky enough to have a second kitchen or a home wet bar, you’ll experience a much smoother transition with the benefit of plumbing.
  • Set up a table. No matter where you establish your new base of operations, you’ll need a large surface for meal prep and dining. This could be as simple as moving your dine-in kitchen table to your backup area. Otherwise, a card table should do the job if you don’t expect your remodel to take long.
  • Use disposable dishware. If your dishwasher and kitchen sink are off-limits, the simple act of washing the dishes could quickly feel like an ordeal. Other sinks may be available elsewhere in the home, but remember: these could be breeding grounds for bacteria and are, in general, ill-suited to your dishwashing needs. Instead, plan to temporarily use disposable dishes.
  • Take advantage of outdoor cooking areas. Depending on the season, it might be easiest to ditch indoor dining altogether and eat outside. Fire up the grill and treat yourself to daily picnics.

Get the Guidance And Support You Need for a Successful Remodel

Don’t let temporary challenges get in the way of bringing your dream kitchen to life. At BKC, we’re determined to make your vision a reality. We believe in the power of a well-designed kitchen to foster calm and connection. We’ll work closely with you to make your kitchen a more inviting space.

You’ll find plenty of helpful insight from our guide on the 6 steps to a successful kitchen remodel. Once you’ve browsed this resource, you’ll be ready to chat with our experts, so be sure to contact us! We’d love to discuss your ideas and get you on the path to an amazing new kitchen.